CHSBT-023-Decoding Christianese

Do you speak Christianese? Chris and Wayne discuss the necessity of exercising caution when using loaded and esoteric Christian phrases. They share a few of their favorite Christianese phrases, and talk about how we need to have deeper theological understanding while also denying a wholesale dismissal of the usage of these phrases.

CHSBT-022-Depression with Dr Nate

How many of our Christian brothers and sisters are silently struggling with depression? This is a topic that is far above Chris and Wayne’s pay grade, so they’ve brought Dr. Nate in to help them tackle this subject. In a natural follow-up of their previous podcast on Fake Joy, they define depression, discuss symptoms, and talk about how to be a good friend, mentor, or teacher to those who are struggling.

CHSBT-021-Exposing Fake Joy

Why do we often feel like we need to have it all together? Could we shift the Christian culture substantially enough to help people be more honest with how they are really feeling? Chris and Wayne discuss some of the causes and realities of keeping up a front of fake joy. Then, as always, they share their own stories, wisdom, and strategies that they have gleaned in their process of cultivating cultures of authenticity .

CHSBT-020-Parental Attachment with Dr Nate

Helicopter Parents, Mama Bears, and Uncut Umbilical Cords, oh my! In this episode, Chris and Wayne talk with psychologist and friend, Dr. Nate Turner about the relational triad between children, parents, and teachers. Listen as they discuss parental attachment, releasing control, and navigating conflict within that triad.

CHSBT-019-All Roads Lead to Foreknowledge

Does God know everything that will happen, and if so, does God CAUSE everything that will happen? The relationship between predestination and freewill is one that really poses a conundrum for many of our students. Chris and Wayne try to unpack why students are fascinated with this topic, and give guidelines for exploration and teaching God’s relationship with time and free beings.

CHSBT-018-Grades In Bible Class

Grading and evaluating students in classes may actually be damaging student curiosity and learning. How much more does this issue get compounded when we give students grades in BIBLE classes? Chris and Wayne discuss the often overlooked damage that can occur through grading practices and where that damage leads. They also share some strategies for creating healthy learning spaces IN SPITE OF grades.

CHSBT-017-Church for Doubters

Is there room for doubters in the Christian church? In this episode, Chris and Wayne talk with youth pastor and Purpose HSM Podcast host Eric Holstrum about the role of doubt in the life of faith. They follow the story of “Doubting Thomas” in John 20 to explore some guidelines for doubt and practical ways of creating intentional space for questioning in our local church communities.

Check out the Purpose High School Ministry podcast at

CHSBT-016-Back To School

Back to school! Does this phrase inspire depression or joy for you? In this episode, Chris and Wayne explore the emotional and spiritual impact of returning to the daily educational grind. They also share strategies for starting the year well, setting norms, and preparing students for meaningful learning experiences.

CHSBT-014-Sexual Boundaries

“So, how far is TOO far?” If you’ve taught about sexuality in a Christian context, you have probably received some form of this question from students. In this episode, Chris and Wayne deconstruct the question and try to tease out the theological, sociological, and psychological themes that are behind what students are asking.