EP12 Notes: Short Term Missions

EP12: Short Term Missions Resources:

  1. Great resource on the potential harms of relief work, and how to do meaningful community development work in the majority world. When Helping Hurts by Corbett and Fikkert
  2. A video series outlining some themes from When Helping Hurts. Helping Without Hurting Video Series:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a339VZRE3CM 
  3. Documentary about Mexico Mission trips and how unhealthy dependencies might be created. Missio Docs Mexico by Chronicle Project
  4. An amazing non profit based in southern California that does relational ministry well. https://www.solidarityrising.org/

Baccalaureate Speech 2017 – Chris

Below is the full text of Chris’ Baccalaureate Speech. (Once Wayne gets back from Guatemala, we hope to post his as well)


In some form or another, you have probably heard someone tell you to follow your dreams. If you count all of the times such a message has been subliminally or explicitly directed at you in film, television, social media, literature, or a motivational speech in one of your classes here at our school, I’m sure that it would total roughly around 18,000 times.

“Follow your dreams.”

“You can do anything you put your mind to.”

“One of you may be the future President of the USA.”

The American dream and many successful people in our country have verified this notion that hard work, sweat, desire, and passion can help you achieve anything. You can do all things… through Christ… right? Even the way that Philippians 4:13 is Continue reading “Baccalaureate Speech 2017 – Chris”

Ep3 Denominations and Mixed Messages?

In Episode 3: Church and Competition, Wayne and I tossed around a few numbers as we estimated and hypothesized how many Christian denominations there are. Depending on how you are counting, the number can span anywhere from 300-30,000. This helpful article from National Catholic helps explain the conflicting data.

The World Christian Encyclopedia says “World Chris­tian­ity con­sists of 6 major ecclesiastico-​cultural blocs, divided into 300 major eccle­si­as­ti­cal tra­di­tions, com­posed [sic] of over 33,000 dis­tinct denom­i­na­tions in 238 coun­tries (Vol. I, p. 16).”

Also, as some of you picked up in podcast episode 3, there were probably some mixed signals sent. One listener pointed out that we were sort of sounding anti-institution toward the beginning, but then seemed to advocate for the benefits of “church life” in Christian schools (an institution with potentially more oversight and bureaucracy than local churches). As we wrestle with some of these topics, one of our main motives is to get thoughts brewing, and to open cans of worms that perhaps have remained sealed on the shelf too long. So please, help us continue the conversation and keep sending us your thoughts and feedback (commenting on the website, tweeting, or Facebook). We need your brains to sort out this muddled can of worms!

Articles – Historical Adam

In Episode 002, Chris referenced a couple of articles that look at different views of the original human population. Both articles deal with using human genetics to look at early humanity. Here are some links to articles by the Biologos Foundation and the Institute for Creation Research for your reading enjoyment.

Biologos Article:


ICR Article:
