Jimmy: “Hey Mr. Seals. Jews go to Hell, right?”
Me: “What? Dude, you’re supposed to be working on your divorce statistics project.”
Jimmy: “But they don’t, like, accept Jesus… so they go to Hell, right?”
Sam: “I mean they believe in God though, don’t they?”
Me: “Yes… they do. And…”
Alice: “Yeah, so even if someone never, like, knows about God and Jesus and stuff, they just go to Hell?
Jimmy: “Yeah, ‘cuz they didn’t accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior.”
Me thinking: …
So, either A) I crack down on this group and tell them to refocus on their statistics group project or B) I surrender myself to this moment and the honest curiosity of the students about a serious topic even though they are supposed to be honing their PowerPoint and information literacy skills.