Is it a sin…?

Whenever a sentence starts with those four words, I’ve learned to prepare myself for at least a few of the following background conditions:

  1. The student has already had an argument or disagreement with a peer or their parent about the sinfulness of the act or behavior in discussion.
  2. The student is bored and wants to talk about something else.
  3. The student is hoping I’ll agree with them and validate their position, or condone their behavior.
  4. Moralism is in the student’s mental background radiation, so if it IS a sin… someone’s going to Hell.
  5. A simple yes or no will probably ignore the underlying issue.
  6. This is probably not going to be a question that the Christian community has agreed upon a unanimous answer.

With these things in mind, and with lesson plans to push through, my answer is often, “Depends,” or “Maybe,” followed by “and we can talk about that when we have an open discussion/question day.”

“But Mr. Seals… it is question day.”

“Oh yeah.”

What is Sin?

If we are going to condemn something as sin, then we need to be on the same page about what exactly IS a sin.

Continue reading “Is it a sin…?”

CHSBT-019-All Roads Lead to Foreknowledge

Does God know everything that will happen, and if so, does God CAUSE everything that will happen? The relationship between predestination and freewill is one that really poses a conundrum for many of our students. Chris and Wayne try to unpack why students are fascinated with this topic, and give guidelines for exploration and teaching God’s relationship with time and free beings.

CHSBT-017-Church for Doubters

Is there room for doubters in the Christian church? In this episode, Chris and Wayne talk with youth pastor and Purpose HSM Podcast host Eric Holstrum about the role of doubt in the life of faith. They follow the story of “Doubting Thomas” in John 20 to explore some guidelines for doubt and practical ways of creating intentional space for questioning in our local church communities.

Check out the Purpose High School Ministry podcast at

CHSBT-010-The Bible Says

“Doesn’t the Bible say…?” All too often, this phrase rears its head in Bible classes, life groups, and even our adult conversations. Chris and Wayne discuss some of their most common “Doesn’t the Bible say…?” questions and get to the root of why these questions are even asked.