Science in Public vs Christian School – 042 – CHSBT

Are evolution, the Big Bang, and separation of Church and State the unholy trinity of science classes? How differently is science taught in the Christian School classroom when compared to our public school counterparts? Chris sits down with seasoned teacher, Michael Robinson, who has spent considerable time teaching science in both contexts. Michael is a teacher of teachers, course lead, and is often sought out for his pedagogical, theological, and science expertise.  Together, Chris and Michael explore issues like evolution, the teenage brain, and preconceived notions about science in Christian culture.

CHSBT–006–Science w/ Robert

Science and religion are often assumed to be two diametrically opposed forces, but maybe the conversation is lacking nuance and a real understanding of what those two words mean. Chris, Wayne, and Robert (their science teacher colleague) team up to explore the relationship between science and the claims of the Christian faith.

Articles – Historical Adam

In Episode 002, Chris referenced a couple of articles that look at different views of the original human population. Both articles deal with using human genetics to look at early humanity. Here are some links to articles by the Biologos Foundation and the Institute for Creation Research for your reading enjoyment.

Biologos Article:

ICR Article: