Eating Disorders w/ Katie and LMFT Christina Zandi – CHSBT – 039

Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness. Many of us are familiar with anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating, but sometimes it’s difficult to recognize (let alone help) students, friends, and family members with these disorders. Maybe we struggle with recognizing it in ourselves. Chris had a chance to sit down with Katie Seals and LMFT Christina Zandi to glean professional and personal wisdom on how to recognize, support, and love people who struggle with disordered eating. They also explore the connections between eating disorders and body image. Through Katie’s story and Christina’s clinical expertise, they provide helpful perspective and advice that everyone should hear.

Author: Confessions HSBT

Confessions of a High School Bible Teacher is a podcast and blog discussing issues in theology, ethics, pedagogy, and spiritual formation, all through the unique lens of Christian school teachers.